Identifying the Signs of Hearing Loss

Identifying the Signs of Hearing Loss

In Hearing Loss by Susan L Fenrich, BC-HIS*

Susan L Fenrich, BC-HIS*
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Have you been straining to hear, or feel that a loved one isn’t hearing as well as they use to? If you suspect that you or someone you love is struggling with hearing loss, consider the symptoms, and read on to learn how to identify the signs of hearing loss.

Listen to your Loved Ones

Hearing loss is often a gradual process, and even though you think you know yourself better than anyone else, the truth is that your loved ones might notice your hearing loss sooner than you do. Has your family been complaining that you don’t hear them when they call you from another room, or that you’ve been cranking up the volume far too loud on the TV? As your hearing loss slowly worsens, your brain makes accommodations that keep you hearing, and you probably don’t notice the changes right away.

Soft Sounds Have Disappeared

Think about the last time you heard the birds chirping outside your window. Can you still hear the grandkids playing in the backyard? Have you slept through your alarm clock a couple times this week, or failed to hear the beeping of the microwave? You may not notice at first, but if you stop to consider the sounds you’re missing, you’ll realize that your hearing isn’t as sharp as it once was, and soft sounds have completely disappeared.

Background Noise

One of the first places you’ll notice your hearing loss is in crowded places with a lot of background noise. You can follow conversations easily in the quiet of your own home, but when you’re in a crowded restaurant, you’ll struggle to understand what’s been said. This is because when you have hearing loss, your ears and brain aren’t able to easily sift through all the sounds around you, and you’re unable to focus on important sounds. You’ll hear the sound of your friend’s voice in front of you at the same volume as the background noise, and you’ll strain to make any sense of what’s been said.

Struggling with Conversations

Are you annoyed that your friends keep mumbling? Do you feel like everyone needs to speak up, or speak more clearly? If you’ve been blaming your loved ones for your inability to understand, it’s time to consider that the problem is in your ears, not with your friends. One of the earliest signs of hearing loss is struggling with conversations. This is because speech sounds can be hard to hear, and some sounds, such as consonants, are difficult to understand. You may think you’re hearing everything, but you could be missing out on the sounds that give meaning to the words. You’ll find yourself straining to hear, asking people to repeat themselves, and endlessly trying to fill in the blanks and catch up with the conversation.

Turning Up the Volume

Another sign of hearing loss is constantly turning up the volume, either on the TV, radio, or telephone. You may feel like everything has gotten quieter, but cranking up the volume doesn’t seem to help the problem, and you still strain to hear, put subtitles on the TV, and avoid answering the phone.

Avoiding Social Events

As your hearing loss progresses, another symptom will soon emerge. You may start to feel embarrassed that you can’t hear clearly, and worry what your friends think about you when you ask them to repeat themselves so many times. You stop going out to crowded places because you just can’t hear what’s been said, and come home exhausted and upset. You start to feel anxiety and stress, and feel lonely and isolated. Those with hearing loss experience a lower quality of life, and this won’t change until you treat your hearing loss.

Welsch Hearing Aid Company

At Welsch Hearing Aid Company, we understand your hearing needs. If you’ve identified any of the signs of hearing loss in yourself or a loved one, we’re here to help. Whether you struggle to hear in quiet or in noise, we have the perfect hearing devices that will help you hear clearly and communicate easily. You’ll be amazed at the difference hearing aids make, and wish you’d visited us sooner. Don’t wait another day, but come see us today and start your journey to clear hearing.