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Untreated Hearing Loss linked to Dementia

In Dementia & Alzheimer's, Hearing Aids, Hearing Health, Hearing Loss, Hearing News by Susan L Fenrich, BC-HIS*

When we use any of our five senses—be it taste, touch, sight, smell, or hearing—our nervous system sends signals to our brain, helping us to interpret the realities of the world and to properly interact with it. As a person loses their hearing, the nerves responsible for transmitting the information to their brains begin to atrophy and die off, causing …

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New Hearing Aid Battery Packaging Could Pose Problems for Seniors

In Family & Friends, Hearing Loss, Hearing News by Susan L Fenrich, BC-HIS*

In August of 2022, Congress passed a bill with bi-partisan support mandating that inserted button cell batteries be sealed in child-proof packaging after the horrific death of an 18-month-old child who had swallowed what’s commonly known as coin battery. These batteries are often used in remote controls, greeting cards, and hearing aids. The law, known as Reese’s Law, was named …

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The Impact of Hearing Aids on Veterans’ Lives

In Hearing Aids, Hearing Health by Susan L Fenrich, BC-HIS*

Veterans, who have dedicated their lives to serving our nation, sometimes face challenges that extend beyond the battlefield. One such challenge is hearing loss, a condition that affects many veterans. We will explore the positive impact of hearing aids on the lives of these heroes and how this simple device can make a world of difference. The Silent Struggle of …

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Hearing Health: A New Year’s Resolution for a Vibrant Life

In Family & Friends, Hearing Health, Hearing Loss by Susan L Fenrich, BC-HIS*

As we begin the new year filled with aspirations and fresh starts, there’s an often overlooked yet very important aspect of our well-being that merits our attention: our hearing health. Along with our other resolutions, dedicating a goal to prioritize our auditory wellness can significantly impact our overall quality of life. The Essential Role of Hearing Tests Our ability to …

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Unraveling Misconceptions About Hearing Loss

In Hearing Health, Hearing Loss by Susan L Fenrich, BC-HIS*

Hearing loss affects many people worldwide, yet there are lots of misunderstandings about it. As professionals, it’s crucial to clear up these misunderstandings and help people understand how they can take care of their hearing. There are many ways to prevent, find, and treat hearing loss early to help everyone have better hearing. Misconception 1: “Only Older People Have Hearing …

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Navigating Emergencies with Hearing Aids: A Comprehensive Guide

In Hearing Aids, Hearing Loss by Susan L Fenrich, BC-HIS*

Hearing aids have revolutionized the lives of those with hearing loss, enabling them to participate more fully in the world around them. However, when emergencies strike, individuals with hearing aids face unique challenges. In this article, we will explore how to properly prepare for emergencies when you use hearing aids. We will discuss the latest advancements in hearing loss prevention, …

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Navigating the Soundscape: When and Why to Update Your Hearing Aids

In Hearing Aids, Hearing Loss by Susan L Fenrich, BC-HIS*

Hearing health specialists are acutely aware of the profound impact hearing loss can have on a person’s life. Our auditory system is an intricate marvel, allowing us to connect with the world through sound. Yet, it is also fragile and susceptible to age-related changes and environmental factors. Fortunately, the field of audiology has witnessed remarkable advancements in hearing loss prevention, …

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The Sound of Safety: How Treating Hearing Loss Prevents Falls and Accidents

In Hearing Health, Hearing Loss by Susan L Fenrich, BC-HIS*

Imagine navigating through life with a missing piece of the puzzle – a piece that not only connects us to our surroundings but also plays a crucial role in our safety. That missing piece is often hearing, an essential sense that is frequently taken for granted until it starts to fade. Hearing loss, a condition that affects millions of people …

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Occupations that Heighten the Risk of Hearing Loss

In Hearing Loss by Susan L Fenrich, BC-HIS*

In today’s dynamic work environment, occupational health and safety is a crucial consideration across industries. One often underestimated aspect of workplace safety is the potential for hearing loss due to exposure to high levels of noise. Prolonged exposure to loud noises can result in permanent hearing impairment, impacting not only an individual’s quality of life but also their productivity. Today’s …

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Are You Taking Full Advantage of the Features of Your Hearing Aids?

In Hearing Aids by Susan L Fenrich, BC-HIS*

Being a Hearing instrument Specialist since 1985, and working with my father, Clarence J. Welsch for many years before that, I have seen many great improvements of hearing aid technology over the last 45 years. When I began in the industry, there were body worn hearing aids with cords that were attached to receivers that snapped into large custom earpieces, …