Hearing Health: A New Year's Resolution for a Vibrant Life

Hearing Health: A New Year’s Resolution for a Vibrant Life

In Family & Friends, Hearing Health, Hearing Loss by Susan L Fenrich, BC-HIS*

Susan L Fenrich, BC-HIS*
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As we begin the new year filled with aspirations and fresh starts, there’s an often overlooked yet very important aspect of our well-being that merits our attention: our hearing health. Along with our other resolutions, dedicating a goal to prioritize our auditory wellness can significantly impact our overall quality of life.

The Essential Role of Hearing Tests

Our ability to hear connects us to the world around us, enabling us to engage in conversations, enjoy music, and partake in various activities. However, gradual changes in hearing can often go unnoticed. A hearing test serves as a proactive measure, assessing the state of our hearing abilities and detecting any underlying issues that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Setting the Tone for a Healthier Year: Focusing on Hearing Wellness

While resolutions often revolve around physical fitness, or career goals, incorporating health-related objectives is very important. By scheduling a routine hearing test, especially at the start of the year. We are ensuring that our auditory health remains a priority.

Undetected or untreated hearing issues can have a profound impact on our lives. Beyond the challenges in understanding conversations, untreated hearing loss can lead to feelings of isolation, affect relationships, and impact our emotional well-being. Early detection through a hearing test allows for timely intervention or management of any potential issues. The longer we wait to take care of our hearing, generally the poorer our understanding of speech becomes, because our brains forget the sound signals our brain once heard.

Embracing a Year of Improved Hearing

Making a resolution to prioritize a hearing test signifies not just an acknowledgment of the significance of hearing health but also a commitment to being able to connect and communicate to those around you. It sets the stage for a year, and a life filled with clearer communication, enhanced connections, and a greater appreciation for life’s sounds. 

Addressing Hearing Health Proactively

Should the test reveal any concerns, it presents an opportunity to address them proactively. With advancements in hearing aid technology and various treatment options available, managing hearing concerns is more effective than ever.  During the hearing test the need for medical attention will be determined, or if the hearing difficulties can be easily improved by using hearing aids.  Don’t put this off any longer. Early intervention often leads to better outcomes and an improved overall hearing experience. 

Including a hearing test in our New Year’s resolutions isn’t merely a checklist item—it’s a pledge to cherish and preserve an essential aspect of our health. It’s an investment in maintaining vibrant connections with our surroundings and the people we love.


As we step into the new year filled with enthusiasm and goals, do not overlook the significance of hearing health in our resolutions.  Scheduling a routine hearing test symbolizes a commitment to a healthier, more engaged life. By prioritizing our hearing health, we enhance not just our ability to communicate but also our overall well-being. Let’s embrace better hearing as a resolution worth keeping throughout the upcoming year. Contact us today to schedule your hearing test and hearing aid TEST DRIVE