Hearing Loss is #1 Disability for Veterans

In Family & Friends, Hearing Health, Hearing Loss by Susan L Fenrich, BC-HIS*

Susan L Fenrich, BC-HIS*
Latest posts by Susan L Fenrich, BC-HIS* (see all)

While PTSD gets all the headlines, the most common service-connected disability that affects almost every service member regardless of their age is hearing loss and tinnitus. Between the effects of shooting their firearms to explosions or concussions, there are numerous assaults to their bodily well-being, including their hearing. An estimated 3.6 million veterans receive compensation for hearing loss or tinnitus, and veterans from every war and in every sphere, including peace time, are impacted.

The noise from shooting rifles and pistols affects the hearing of service members, even those who serve during peace time.

Compared to the general male population 11% fewer male veterans have good to excellent hearing while 10% more have at least moderate trouble hearing. Both hearing problems and tinnitus can impact quality of life and communication. Both contribute to isolation, frustration, and even depression if not addressed.

For 59 years Welsch Hearing Aid Company has served the hearing needs of veterans from the Greater Sheboygan Area.  For 39 years I have been a Licensed Hearing Instrument Specialist. Over time, several of my long-term patients have been able to get hearing aids from the VA. This has been a real blessing for them. However, using the Green Bay VA clinic for hearing aid service and repair has been problematic for many of our customers who have reported to us:

  • The drive has become too much. Two hours round trip is taxing physically and is getting more costly at the pump.
  • When their hearing aids are sent to the VA for repair, it often takes them 1-2 months to get them back and even then, they are not repaired. If we send aids in for repair, it takes a maximum of two weeks to get them back (often we get them back the next week!), and we can provide the veteran with loaner hearing aids so they can hear clearly while their aids are being repaired. 
  • Many times, the aids are sent in for repair when all they needed was a hearing aid cleaning, which can be done quickly and inexpensively in-house, often the same day as the aids are brought in. We keep parts on hand for all the most popular models, so even if there is a minor repair that needs to take place, we can do it during the cleaning.

When we take care of the hearing aids for a service-member, it benefits not only the veteran, but the VA network!

  • Servicing the hearing aids quickly and inexpensively keeps the hearing aids in the veteran’s ears where they belong.
  • The VA also benefits in the long run. We work with hearing aids all day, every day. We often have significantly more hands-on experience than the typical audiologist who is often dealing with physical conditions or the medical side of hearing loss. When it comes to hearing aids, that’s where Hearing Instruments Specialists shine. Our efficiency in this area save both the VA and our clients’ money.

It is in a veteran’s best interest to have options available to them. Check out our website to see what we do to help veterans in Sheboygan County. At Welsch Hearing Aid Company, your hearing is my priority. It’s our turn to serve you.